• Foto: Trond Isaksen/StatsbyggFoto: Trond Isaksen/Statsbygg

Dr.techn. Olav Olsen has long experience with projects involving coastal structures and ports. We offer services such as planning ports, design of quays, numerical analysis of waves to shore and near shore, berths and other port-structures.

By combining our vast experience in offshore structures with new technology we also offer untraditional structures along the coast. Dr.techn. Olav Olsen also have uniqe experience with floating structures for a variety of purposes from a floating beach in the Oslo basin to a floating port in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, we are capable of offering a highly competent team to solve the needs of the port.

We also put our knowledge with concrete in marine environments to use with different projects like LNG Terminals on one side to floating police stations and fish farming in closed concrete shells on the other side.